Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream is a premium grain-free dog food that captures the essence of a wild, natural diet. Packed with real smoked salmon, this formula delivers a powerful protein punch while providing essential omega fatty acids for healthy skin and a shiny coat. Combined with sweet potatoes, it offers digestible energy and a rich source of vitamins and minerals to keep your dog thriving. Enhanced with probiotic support, Pacific Stream promotes optimal gut health, ensuring your furry friend feels great inside and out. Give your pet the taste of adventure every mealtime!
Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream is a premium grain-free dog food that captures the essence of a wild, natural diet. Packed with real smoked salmon, this formula delivers a powerful protein punch while providing essential omega fatty acids for healthy skin and a shiny coat. Combined with sweet potatoes, it offers digestible energy and a rich source of vitamins and minerals to keep your dog thriving. Enhanced with probiotic support, Pacific Stream promotes optimal gut health, ensuring your furry friend feels great inside and out. Give your pet the taste of adventure every mealtime!